Bids/Request for Proposals (RFPs)

Throughout the year the Addison Park District sends many different services and products out to bid. These opportunities range from apparel to paper supplies to printing park construction and more. RFPs are also available at the District’s Administrative office located in Community Rec Center, 120 E. Oak Street.

Current Bids & Requests for Proposal

Name of Project DUE DATE PDF
  • Fields will be updated as opportunities arise. Please check back frequently.
  • DuPage County’s Prevailing Wage Ordinance can be viewed: Here 
  • Current prevailing wage rates can be accessed via this website: Here

Advertising & Sponsorships

Join the growing list of local businesses who support the Addison Park District with sponsorship and in-kind donations.  We have a wide variety of opportunities and can connect your business or organization with the community in meaningful and impactful ways.    

Seasonal Program Brochures

Throughout the year the Park District produces four digital seasonal program brochures with paper copies available upon request at Community Recreation Center and Club Fitness.  Full page and half page ads are available, and discounts are given for annual commitments.     

In-Kind Donations

Donations of all types, including gift certificates for services or goods, are accepted for a variety of events: Easter Egg Hunt,  Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, Spring Ball, POW! to Cancer 5k Walk/Run for a Cure, Movie In the Park, Candy Carnival, Breakfast with Santa and more.  For more information about donations, please call 630-233-7275.

Special Event Sponsorship

Sponsorship opportunities for specific events include: Easter Egg Hunt,  Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, Valentine’s Dance, POW! to Cancer 5k Walk/Run for a Cure, Movie In the Park, Candy Carnival, Breakfast with Santa and more.  For more information about sponsoring a specific event, please call 630-233-7275.