Personal Training
Personal training with a professional can help you attain your fitness goals, whether you want to: increase endurance, build muscle, or lose weight. Our trainers will help you become a fitter, healthier you. Our certified fitness professionals can make sure to reach your goals safely, effectively, while helping you keep the results for life. Individual, buddy, and small group training is available. Our fitness professionals use the newest science and techniques so that we can help you achieve your goals in the most efficient and effective ways possible.

Personalized Fitness Plans For Your Goals
Our fitness professionals will help you define your individual fitness goals and create a roadmap to get you there. We focus on short and long term goals that are specific, realistic, attainable, and sustainable that will change your life for forever.

How We Help
• Assessment  • Goal Setting  • Custom Training Plans  • Education • Motivation and Support • Accountability • Adjustments • Progress Monitoring • Specialized Training • Nutrition/Supplement Guidance

Benefits of Personal Training

• Weight Loss or Gain • Muscle Tone & Strength • Cardiovascular Health • Increase Flexibility • Rehabilitation from an Injury • Form Correction • Consistency • Sports Performance

Training For Specific Events
• Improve General Fitness • Nutritional Guidance • Increase Self-esteem • Better Mental Health • Goal Setting • Injury Prevention • Personal Attention • Improve Balance and Posture

It’s important to remember that a personal trainer is a guide and support system in your fitness journey. Achieving these goals will also depend on your commitment, effort, and sometimes, your genetic predisposition.

For information on personal training, please contact Juan Montes at