Run. Walk. Trot!
The Addison Park District’s annual Turkey Trot is back and in full fall swing! Our pre turkey run-a-thon will take place on Saturday, November 17th at Centennial Park. Runners must predict their 5K (3.10 mile) run time and each male and female participant who guesses the closest will win a Thanksgiving Meal Kit, consisting of a $25 gift card, turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required, however, all pre-registered runners will receive a sweatshirt and participation medal.
A portion of registration proceeds will go to the Henry Hyde Center in Addison!
2018 Race Results
Please note: The Turkey Trot will NOT be chip-timed and timing gadgets such as fitness watches, etc will not be allowed. All prediction times must be an hour or less, otherwise, run times will not be eligible towards prize winnings.